As far as I understand all proposed changes, hints and other findings have found it's way into the upstream versions, whereas 0.3.1 is the latest public available version/snapshot ...
Looking into plugins short history and rofa's awesome work, I think progress and usability is far further then I ever expected. For me it's close to stable, but the journey has just begun, I guess everybody does see some minor issues. It's not always clear that plugin is the cause and it seems there's room for kind of dialects in the specs. So, every box does obviously work slightly different. What LSB release do you use, Precise or Trusty?
Regarding DVBAPI, well, due it's nature I guess you won't see it ever, as vdr-plugin-satip does not provide kernel drivers, which do provide DVBAPI version. So, to decode channels you need to use manio's vdr-plugin-dvbapi in the latest release in a so called network mode.