to prevent further polution in the announce thread [Announce] vdr-plugin-satip-0.0.1 - Make your VDR to a SAT>IP Receiver. this new screw, to gather all coming up issues in the different layouts, contradictions and enhancement requests.
English should be mandatory, since plugins author is not nativ german speaker, this would make things much easier.
E.g. here the user "Niel" tells he faces jerking video, what is a good example for this thread: Offene Runde: SAT>IP
Or here, the user "googles" is missing DiSEqC, as it is part of SAT>IP spec. v1.2: [Announce] vdr-plugin-satip-0.0.1 - Make your VDR to a SAT>IP Receiver., but to test this enhancement, there must be an existing layout somewhere for that